Done For You Services

Inside of Done For You Services

  • 90 Days Program
  • Business Development
    We conduct a fully sweep of your company to make sure we build upon a solid foundation and infrastructure
  • Custom Market Research
    Team Integrity will conduct custom market research to provide current contract opportunities, expiring contracts and competitors
  • Contract Sourcing
    Place the contracts at your fingertips and you just select and bid. Yes, that simple
  • Pipeline Buildout
    A custom pipeline buildout to increase productivity, time management and growth all via a custom app
  • Marketing Email Templates
    Marketing is key, so we will provide award winning capability statement that will be used with our marketing scripts
  • Compliant State/Federal Registration
    We will provide Federal registration via, DSBS registration, disaster relief opt-in with FEMA and State registration.
  • Done For You Certifications
    You have the choice of onboarding MBE/WBE, SBE, DBE, ED/WOSB certifications with a guarantee 90 day turn * contingent of receipt of requested documentation
  • Custom Capability Statement
    We are building you an award winning capability statement that will get the contracting officers attention
  • Forms and Templates
    We will provide various forms from contract pricing, FOIA request template, procurement officer, marketing templates to past performance templates
  • Team Response within 24 hrs and So Much More…



Miles Freight Logistics

Team integrity has helped us to get started. Without this team we would have quit as it is a lot of information to take in at one time. You have to understand the proper and thorough systems in place to when contracts and get approved to work with the government. This team helps with certifications, approvals through SAM, and reviewing and winning solicitations. They really hold your hand through the process. If you are serious and want to build a successful company Team Integrity Knowledge center has to be by your side.

Marko Haris

My experience with team Integrity Knowledge Center has been a great experience and they have been a support team behind Succgistics, securing our first contract with the Fed government / local Government. Many many more opportunities to go! Let’s go Team Integrity Knowledge Center!

Malik Green

Team INTEGRITY lives up to their name; they are very transparent and on point. I've learnt so much in 3 months and onboarded my registration with a custom capability statement. 

Rebecca Tisbe

Whether you are just starting out as owner operators or have been in this industry for some time and looking for opportunities to elevate your business… Melanie and her team are relentless at ensuring success for all members in this program. Team Integrity is the place to be! I have been apart of many mentorship programs and this is by far the best one, Melanie is the offering TRUE mentorship support and her team is the best in the game!!! Invest in yourself, invest in your business and join TODAY!!!